the Profee
VISA card to your phone
Get, send, save money with the digital Profee card in a flash through your app.
Profee card picture
Already a Profee client?
Congrats – you’re one tap away from your digital Profee card in your Profee app!
to Profee?
Create an account to get the card and to transfer money

How to the Profee digital card

Profee card step one
Log in
to your account in Profee app
Profee card step two
your digital card
Profee card step three
Get your card,
issued in a flash

Why choose the the Profee digital card

100% safe
Profee’s top-notch solutions & VISA trusted standards ensure the security of your money and assets
to get
One tap, no hassle – you just need to have a Profee account
to use
Add your Profee card to Google Pay or Apple Pay, make transfers, receive money, pay online & offline