
Send money
from Estonia
to Russia

exchange rate
Card-to-card transfers
in 2 minutes
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Sent easily. Received smoothly

Send money from Estonia to Russia easily

You may send money from Visa, MasterCard, Apple Pay, Google Pay, SEPA

To receive a transfer, there is no need to register at Profee. The money can be sent to Visa, MasterCard

Trusted reviews

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Simple way to send money

Choose a transfer amount

Enter the amount and currency you will be transferring, and choose the recipient country.
Profee step one - choose sender's country and card

Sign up

Complete the simple and free registration to ensure the security of your money transfer.
Profee step two - register

Add transfer details

Enter the card details for the sender and recipient and confirm the transfer.
Profee step three - recipient's card

Delivery of the funds

Once you submit the instruction for your money transfer, we will deliver your funds within minutes. In case that a currency conversion is required we will exchange it at up to 8x cheaper than the banks.
Profee step four - money received
Profee step one - choose sender's country and card
Profee step two - register
Profee step three - recipient's card
Profee step four - money received

Make your transfer today

from Estonia to Russia

Profee licensed company

Your money is 100% protected!

Here at Profee your security is our priority. We are a licensed company and we are committed to complying with the regulations of the financial institutions of the European Union. All money transfers are certified by Visa, MasterCard, regulators and are PCI DSS certified.

Profee customer support

We are here to help

Our global customer support team is here for you. We speak different languages in a few time zones, so we never miss your request!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do money transfers with Profee work?

With Profee, you can send money from your card to another person's card, in their local currency. If you’re looking for a quick and easy way of transferring money from Estonia to Russia, we've got the perfect solution.

We understand that when it comes to finances, time is of the essence. That's why we offer a fast and efficient money transfer service that lets you send money online within minutes. Compared with traditional bank transfers or EFTs, our service is quick and easy to use, so you can get your money where it needs to go without any hassle.

To get started, you’ll first need to register an account, and provide some basic personal information. With that out of the way, you’ll be able to send money from Estonia to Russia straight away.

How can I transfer money from Estonia to Russia?

Profee's simple and straightforward money transfer service will make it easier than ever to send funds from Estonia to Russia. All you need is a card issued by any European bank, the amount you’d like to send, and the bank card details of your recipient.

We are committed to the security of our clients’ funds. We comply with all relative European legislation, store your data in Tier 4 datacentres located within the Netherlands, and pass PCI DSS certification every year so that you can feel confident when you transfer money from Estonia to Russia.

How much will it cost me to send money from Estonia to Russia?

The maximum transaction fee we charge is 1 Euro, which makes Profee one of the cheapest solutions for money transfers from Estonia to Russia. Unlike standard bank transfers, there are no hidden fees or delayed charges, and the money will be available to your recipient within minutes.

What account level do I need to send money online from Estonia to Russia?

The account you need will depend on how much money you intend to send per month/year. This is a legal obligation on our part, that guarantees all money transfers are transparent and secure.

If you only need to send up to 150 Euros per month, you can use a basic account, where you only need to provide some basic personal details online.

To send up to 15,000 Euros per year, you'll need a Plus account. This will require you to give us some documents like proof of identity and residence, which are processed automatically.

If you’ll be sending up to 100,000 Euros per year, you’ll require a Premium account, which requires you to provide a source of funds information. Our customer support team will guide you in this process.

See our Account Levels page for more information.

How can I contact you if I need help with a money transfer?

We’re sure you’ll find Profee’s money transfers an easy way to send money from Estonia to Russia. If you require assistance at any point, please feel free to reach out to our support team via email, phone, or chat. You’ll also find lots of additional resources on our FAQ page.