
Send money
from Finland
to Russia

exchange rate
Card-to-card transfers
in 2 minutes
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Sent easily. Received smoothly

Send money from Finland to Russia easily

You may send money from Visa, MasterCard, Apple Pay, Google Pay, SEPA

To receive a transfer, there is no need to register at Profee. The money can be sent to Visa, MasterCard

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Simple way to send money

Choose a transfer amount

Enter the amount and currency you will be transferring, and choose the recipient country.
Profee step one - choose sender's country and card

Sign up

Complete the simple and free registration to ensure the security of your money transfer.
Profee step two - register

Add transfer details

Enter the card details for the sender and recipient and confirm the transfer.
Profee step three - recipient's card

Delivery of the funds

Once you submit the instruction for your money transfer, we will deliver your funds within minutes. In case that a currency conversion is required we will exchange it at up to 8x cheaper than the banks.
Profee step four - money received
Profee step one - choose sender's country and card
Profee step two - register
Profee step three - recipient's card
Profee step four - money received

Make your transfer today

from Finland to Russia

Profee licensed company

Your money is 100% protected!

Here at Profee your security is our priority. We are a licensed company and we are committed to complying with the regulations of the financial institutions of the European Union. All money transfers are certified by Visa, MasterCard, regulators and are PCI DSS certified.

Profee customer support

We are here to help

Our global customer support team is here for you. We speak different languages in a few time zones, so we never miss your request!

Frequently Asked Questions

Send Money from Finland to Russia

If you need to transfer money from Finland to Russia, the chances are, it has been a challenge to find an easy and efficient way to do so. The existing ways are limited and can be rather complicated.

Is there a way to send money from Finland to Russia?


Profee is an international money transfer service that offers the most reliable and cheapest way to send money online. We are a licensed European EMI fully compliant with applicable regulations to ensure that your money travels quickly and securely.

Go to the Profee website or download our app for Android and iOS to take advantage of the best way to transfer money from Finland to Russia.

What do I need to send money online?

To make a money transfer from Finland to Russia online, all you need is a Profee account, your bank card details, and the recipient's name and card number.

To make your first transfer, follow the simple registration process that will not take more than a couple of minutes. As a regulated EMI, we need to know who uses our service and we apply advanced measures to keep your personal information safe.

As soon as you have signed up, you are ready to transfer money from Finland to Russia.

How to send money from Finland to Russia with Profee?

All you need to have on hand are your bank card details as well as the full name and bank card number of the recipient.

Choose Finland and Russia as the source and destination countries and enter the transfer amount. Our online money transfer calculator instantly shows the applied fee, currency exchange rate, estimated delivery time as well as the amount to be credited to the recipient’s card.

Do you need a specific amount to be delivered? No problem - simply enter the desired amount, and we will calculate the total to be charged to your card. With a transaction fee as low as €1 Profee is the cheapest way to send money from Finland to Russia.

Hit the ‘Send’ button and proceed to enter the card number and full name of the recipient. We support money transfers to VISA, Mastercard and MIR cards issued by Russian banks. However, certain restrictions apply at the moment for transfers to Russia and we ask you to refer to our up-to-date article before you proceed.

Ready to continue? The next step is to input your VISA or Mastercard details and confirm your transfer. Alternatively, connect your Apple Pay or Google Pay and use your card information safely stored with them to make your Profee transfer. We use 3DS technology to add an extra layer of protection when you transfer money online. Confirm your transaction with the code you will receive.

Another advantage that makes Profee the best way to transfer money from Finland to Russia is that we need minutes to deliver your money, meaning that you are only clicks away when your loved ones need your support.

Where can I find more information about sending money online?

If you need more information on how to send money from Finland to Russia or require any help, refer to our FAQ page or speak to a Customer Support representative.

Sign up for Profee today and enjoy the cheapest and fastest way to send money online!